Creacion; La creacion; Creaciones; Creada; Creadora; Creado; La creación; Creadores; Creadoras
= assignment, authoring, building, construction, creation, establishment, formation, foundation, generation, provision, setting up, organisation [organization, -USA], brain child [brainchild], constitution, fashioning, crafting, oeuvre, set-up.
Ex: Similar principles may be applied in the formulation and assignment of headings irrespective of the physical form of the document.
Ex: This article presents a detailed discussion of the use of Hypermedia for authoring, organisation and presentation of information.
Ex: Building a search profile has much in common with building a document profile during indexing.
Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
Ex: It is worth briefly observing a general approach to the creation of a data base.
Ex: Music, especially classical works, often requires the establishment of a uniform title.
Ex: In 1970 she pointed to inconsistencies in the formation and arrangement of headings, the presence of useless ones, and variations in actual practice from what is thought to be practiced.
Ex: In the early part of the 20th century donations were received from William K. Bixby which led to the foundation of the rare book collection.
Ex: Information retrieval follows from the generation of an index.
Ex: Some school libraries are becoming involved in life-long learning but local government and public libraries must take responsibility for provisions for this.
Ex: This contribution outlines the setting up of the systems, its benefits and problems encountered.
Ex: This article discusses the history of the organisation of readers" camps for students of secondary schools in Slovakia which dates back to 1979.
Ex: This paper reports an interview with Michael O"Donnell, whose brainchild, Salon Magazine is a successful World Wide Web only publication that has managed to forge a powerful identity without a printed counterpart.
Ex: The chemical constitution of these materials is described and their deterioration characteristics explained.
Ex: The university is a major force in the fashioning of the constantly changing urban way of life.
Ex: This volume tellingly reveals the many negotiations, improvisations, sleights-of-hand, and slipknots that were a part of the crafting of Hitchcock's films.
Ex: For about a 3rd of the departments, publications not covered in citation indexes accounted for at least 30 per cent of the citations to their total oeuvre.
Ex: Areas of particular concern are: equipment set-up and use; helping develop search strategies, logon/logoff procedures; and emergency assistance when things go wrong.
* artes de creación literaria y artística, las = creative arts, the.
* compañía de nueva creación = startup [start-up].
* creación artística = art work.
* creación artística barata = kitsch.
* creación de acuerdo de colaboración = partnership building.
* creación de categorías = categorisation [categorization, -USA].
* creación de coaliciones = coalition building.
* creación de conglomerados = conglomeration.
* creación de depósitos de datos = data warehousing.
* creación de documentos secundarios = surrogacy.
* creación de empleo = job creation.
* creación de imágenes digitales = digital imaging.
* creación de impedimentos = fence building.
* creación de las montañas = mountain-building.
* creación de los índices de un libro = back-of-the-book indexing, back-of-book indexing.
* creación de modelos = modelling [modeling, -USA].
* creación de obstáculos = fence building.
* creación de perfiles de usuario = user profiling.
* creación de prototipos = prototyping.
* creación de referencias cruzadas = cross-referencing.
* creación de réplicas en Internet = mirroring.
* creación de servidor copia = site mirroring.
* creación de servidor espejo = site mirroring.
* creación de servidor réplica = site mirroring.
* creación de sitio espejo = site mirroring.
* creación de sustitutos documentales = surrogacy.
* creación divina = divine creation.
* creación rápida de prototipos = rapid prototyping.
* de creación = authorial.
* de reciente creación = newly developed [newly-developed].
* empresa de nueva creación = this sort of thing, startup [start-up].
* investigación para la creación de innovaciones = innovation research.
* milagro de la creación, el = miracle of creation, the.
* obra de creación literaria = fiction book.
* obra de creación original = creative work.
* obras de creación literaria = fiction.
* tecnología para la creación de imágenes digitales = digital imaging technology.